Contact us if you have questions or need a free estimate


If you have a foundation problem or leaking basement and require an estimate it is faster for us to provide an estimate via online rather than an in person visit. We can still provide an in person estimate but there might be a delay in booking a time.

For an online estimate, please email photos to our email address ( or text photos to our cell phone number at (514) 809-7138. Please include your FULL NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, PHONE NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS. If possible, take a photo up close, then a second photo further away to show the whole area.



Text: (514) 809-7138


597 De La Cigale
St-Lazare, Quebec,
J7T 2B3

PO Box 154, SP St-Charles,
Kirkland, Quebec,
H9H 0A3

Do you have any questions?
Ask us and we will be happy to answer you.

Please feel free to call or email us.
If emailing, please provide a brief description of your problem as well. An e-mail will be sent to Injection Classique’s customer support staff and they will provide you with assistance. If you are requesting a free written estimate we will contact you to set up an appointment.